
Poetry Big Book Project

100 Points

Students will create a Big Book (oversized book/anthology) of poems.  The paper should be at least 12x18 in size (I will be providing construction paper on a first come first served basis).  Poster board can also be used if it’s the correct size or cut in half.  The book pages should be bound together (use yarn, string, book rings …).  Students will create 4 original poems in the classroom that are approved by the teacher.  Select 4 additional poems from a children’s poetry book.  All 8 poems will be used in the Big Book and should be similar in theme.  Neatly write or print each poem.  Select 4 of the 8 poems to illustrate (2 original, 2 from the additional poems).  Create a title for your Poetry Big Book.  This project is due Thursday, April 30, 2015.   LATE projects will not be accepted.  Projects not turned in will result in an F.  Students should work on their own to complete this project.  

Cover  - 25 points
  • Title of Big Book; ex: Reasons for the Seasons
  • Student’s Name
  • Illustration (optional)

Big Book  - 30 points
  • Overall appearance (neatness/creativity…)
  • 8 poems; 4 original, 4 additional (include name of author)
  • Bound, poems neatly written or typed
  • Student’s own work

Types of Poems – 25 points
  • Acrostic                                               *  Color Poem
  • Limerick                                              *  Alliteration
  • Cinquain                                              *  Rhyme
  • Haiku                                                  *  Diamante Poem
  • Free Verse                                           *  Narrative

Illustrations – 20 points
  • Must be related to selected poem
  • Can use crayons, markers, puff paint, water colors …
  • Be creative!!!


Shoe Box Scene Project
Your AR project for this grading period is to create a shoe box scene for an AR chapter book you read.  Your scene should include enough detail to really understand the setting, problem, solution and the action taking place in the scene.  The climax would be a great scene to create.  On a index card or separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph explaining what is happening in the scene (include this with your project).  On the outside of the box, write the title, author’s name and a one paragraph summary. You may use any materials necessary to complete this project.   Please turn this checklist in with your project.  This project is due Thursday, March 5, 2015Late assignments are not accepted.  Projects not turned in will result in an F.

____ AR quiz taken and passed with 80% or better (15pts)
____ Scene is from an AR book read this grading period (10 pts)
____Title,  author’s name and summary is neatly stated on the box (20 pts)
____ Scene is detailed, neat, organized and easily interpreted (25 pts)
____ paragraph is at least 5 sentences long, clear, descriptive of scene depicted (25 pts)
____ paragraph has no grammatical or spelling errors (5 pts)
______ /100 points possible


Book Board Project
100 Points

Students will select a chapter book to read and design/complete a display board based on the book.  The display board must represent the chosen book’s overall theme.  LATE projects will not be accepted.  Projects not turned in will result in an F.  Students should work on their own to complete this project.  I’ve included some examples for guidance, please select a book not included as an example.  This project should be neatly written or typed.

These items must be on the display board…
  • Title
  • Author
  • Detailed illustration or 3D display
  • Setting of story and theme
  • Summary
  • Main Character(s)
  • Problem/Conflict
  • Solution
  • Author’s Purpose

Book Project Due: Thursday December 4, 2014 

Folktale Writing Project

Students & Parents:  This nine week’s project will be a “Folktale” assignment!  We have read a few in class and discussed the components.  Your child will need to use his/her imagination and create a folktale.  The folktale is due Thursday (11/20) typed or written in their best handwriting.  Have fun with it and encourage your student to use their imagination! J  I will be making sure each of the following components is included in their folktale. 
Story must be at least two (2) pages long and also include ONE illustration (picture) of your folktale that is at least one page big (8x11)!
Told long time ago…
Folktales are always told long ago. Examples  - “Once upon a time” or “Long, Long ago”
Sets of three…
Examples -  “three little pigs” or “three wishes” – three “tries” to solve the problem
SOMETIMES they use repeating phrases…
Examples – “not by the hair on my chinney, chin, chin”
Good vs. Evil
Good vs. Bad -- examples “three pigs vs. wolf,”  “Jack vs. giant,” “turtle vs. hare,” or “red riding hood vs. wolf”
Happy Ending
Examples-   Red Riding hood is saved!
                     The three pigs are safe in the brick house!
                     The turtle wins the race!
Theme –
Example themes you can use:
“Problem Solving”
OR make up your own J
EX: FRIENDSHIP!!!  Try to think of FRIENDSHIP traits when writing your folktales.

Example of Themes –
       Red Riding hood – “Don’t Talk to Strangers.”
       The Three Little Pigs – “Hard work pays off.”
       The Tortoise and the Hare – “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Folktale Ideas

Why the bald eagle is bald
How squirrels bury nuts
How the swan got its long neck
Why raccoons have masks on their face
How the camel got its hump
Why the bear sleeps all winter
How the giraffe got a long neck
Why the turtle has a shell


Cereal Box Project
100 Points

Students will select a chapter book to read and complete a cereal box book report project.  The cereal box project must represent the chosen book’s overall theme.  Points are broken down into the following categories.  LATE projects will not be accepted.  Projects not turned in will result in an F.  Students should work on their own to complete this project.

Cover  - 20 pts
  • Picture of book (hand drawn or printed)
  • Title
  • Author
  • Name your cereal (relates to book); ex: Captain Underpants O’s
  • Overall Appearance (neatness/creativity)
Back  -15 pts 
  • Game (ex: board game, crossword, etc)
  • Game must have clear directions
  • Game pieces (if needed)
  • Game must relate to the book
  • Picture of a scene from the book
 Side Panel “Ingredients”: Choose 5 of these - 30 pts
  • Setting                                                 * Author
  • Character(s)                                         * Illustrator
  • Author’s Purpose                                * Genre
  • Vocabulary                                          * Number of Pages/Chapters
  • Point of View                                     * Plot
Other Side Panel “Summary” - 30 pts
  • Must be written in first person
  • Two 5-7 sentence paragraphs
  • Cannot include the 5 you chose in your “Ingredients”. 
“Prize Inside” - 5 pts
  • One item that best represents the book 
Book Project Due: Thursday September 25, 2014

Writing is an essential component of the Wonders curriculum.  Please be sure to encourage our student to write/journal as much as possible.  One page book reports would be a great tool for student's to practice and verbalize their thoughts in written form.  It will also provide them with extra experience in citing text evidence (examples) from the text.  The writing portion of the weekly assessment will be counted as a separate test grade.


Log ins for Wonders are in your students agenda books (page 2, green sticker).  Please feel welcome to navigate the site and encourage your students to read the weekly stories online, complete the vocabulary games, etc.  Thank you!


30-45 mins of reading a day makes a world of difference.  Each student should read at least 30 minutes a night, please initial in the appropriate spot in their agenda book that your student has read.